Tuesday, January 5, 2010


WOOOW  it been again looong time since I`ve updated.
I cannot believe its January!! It`s 2010 and Im in my 5th month in Lima!
We did go to Machu Picchu and sailed Lake Titikaka (I know, horrible name...but its beautiful) for which I havent updated. So What can I say about it? Machu Picchu was pretty incredible. The trip to CUsco in general was incredible minus the fact I made the mistake of rolling up my pants while hiking in the heat and got literally ATTACKED by a mob of some sort of Peruvian flea.yeah I had about 30 swollen, red and sore bites on EACH leg with itching that drove me Koo-Koo Bananas! But I still say its worth it while looking at my remaining scars! We all got to see a lot of old ruins and the history gave you a real rush to know that an ancient civilization existed in the very spot you were standing. Then we traveled to Puno where we sailed on Lake Titikaka and saw the floating islands and natives that lived there. They were really inviting and welcoming but of course very touristical...meaning they wanted you to buy all theyre stuff. But it was fun trying on the natives clothing for pictures and seeing LIVE flamingos on the islands and trying this vegetable thing that tasted like apple and celery....it was pretty good. Everything was pretty awesome.
If you want to know a little more about these islands go to:

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Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
So much had happened in 2009, it was incredible to reflect everything during the new year. Speaking of which, what a new year AND Navidad (Christmas)
Then there was Christmas. So it wasnt as hard as I though tit would be to have my first holidays so far from home. I mean its different to have it in the middle of a hot Summer where instead of snuggling up in fleece blanketss by the fire youre in shorts and tank top be the beach!
The tradition is a Thanksgiving like dinner with the family at MIDNIGHT on Decemeber 24. After you open your gifts, have wine/champange and light fireworks! My family had some fun lighting some of Gabriel`s DragonBall Z dolls with the fireworks
(by the way he taught me how to play video games and I love them! I had never really played playstation until now and its really fun. Im getting really good at Dragonball Z and Bakugan)

I helped Mary, my host mom, cook the dinner. I introduced them to mashed potatoes. They have something like that here but its like puree..so its more liquid and more salt (peruvians like their salt) so I made the fluffy kind which they really liked! We also had a turkey whom I named Carola for reasons unspoken but it was all yummy and afterwards its the tradition to eat this sweet fruit bread, Paneton, and drink homemade hot chocolate. It was a great Holiday. on New Year´s I spent it with my friends Mauricio and Sergio at this party where there was a lot of music and dancing. I absolutely LOVE those guys. They made me laugh and I have a lot of fun around them. Theyre the friends of my host brother, Jonathan so its cool I get to be friends with them too :D

Well thats it for now..prolly wont update for another while..did i mention Im on a no Piqueo Snax diet until my birthday? yeah wish me luck with that...
Until next time! CHAUUUU!


  1. Yeah, it was such an amazing party!! and the mash was delicious too, even though it had no salt! lol

    I cannot believe that I was about to screw up things, damn, I feel kinda guilty u_u

    Anyways, thanks for everything. It makes me happy to know that things are going okay now (:

    Se que no debería estar escribiendo en ingles, pero no me importa xD

    Cuidate mucho, hablamos luego gringa loca (:
    FELIZ AÑO 2010

  2. Sergio :) Uds. son los maximos :) Y NO ES MI ULTIMO AñO NUEVO EN PERU! ;P
    Muchas Gracias por una noche increible y no tienes culpa para nada! You didnt screw anything up :) Sentiría lo mismo sí yo pierdo algo como eso tmb!
    lol oh yeah todavía no he comido Piqueo Snax...UN MES MAS! lol
    Hasta luego Peruano travieso jajaja

  3. I'm a reader who is "anonymous" make sure you check out my blog you thexy thing. (don't mention my name missy)
