Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Wacky waving inflatable arm flailing tube..girls?

So I kinda wanted to add this to my last post but I couldn't figure out how..
So my school (colegio) is super laid back..most of the time..when my friends Roy and Christian had a track meet a group of us were able to just take a taxi during the beginning of school and spent the rest of the day at the stadium.
So I found it hilarious how all these students who competed are supposed to be athletes, right?
I mean that's how usually being a succesful runner works?
I know how that is, after the intense running that I do...
ok so it's from my bedroom to the fridge...but I digress.
So anywho, we're watching the girls' 1200 meter run and when they finish ALL of them collapsed AT the finish line..no post jog to cool down or anything; they just fall on the track or the grass nearby. Now not only do they lay there but their "trainers" rush onto the field and try to pick these girls up for support and these girls literally just flail in their arms; like some sort of possessing force was the catalyst to their long distance sprinting and then after 1200m it exited their bodies leaving them in a heap on the track!
It reminded me of some sort of excorcism as the girls just acted like total zombies as their coaches did what they could to hold them up while another girl sat down ON the track and vomited..right there!

I was just waiting for the one lying down stretching out a cramp, to just start levitating in mid-air or crab-crawling backwards for a lap like in that movie!


  1. AHAHAHAHAHAHA...they need some serious arse whoopin' and someone to tell them to "suck it up". I volunteer!!!

    Miss you, been thinking of you. Alex leaves tomorrow.... (waahhhhhh)


  2. WAHAHAHAHAHA! I will never be able to look at a wacky waving inflatable armflailing tubeguy the same again! I'll be thinking of you instead. Love, Mom

  3. Fun reading, what an experience you are having!

  4. Hey...that sounds..exciting. LOL I hope your experience has gotten better, I'm still insanely jealous. The King and I has been pretty fun so far, although it's so weird to not have your guys class around..its so empty. Oh and I sprained my ankle, thus restricting me from dancing *shriek with anger*!! Anyway, I miss you!
